About the Instructor

Debbie Campbell
Debbie Campbell

Debbie has been teaching CPR/AED & First Aid to the lay responder since April 2000. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Occupational Health and Safety and is an American Heart Association Authorized Instructor.

Licensed and insured, Debbie is also an Approved Training Vendor for the Division of Early Care and Learning through the State of Colorado.  Click here to visit the Approved Training Vendor List.

For the past 14 years Debbie has worked in the health/front office at various elementary/middle schools, tending to student illnesses and injuries.  She has learned so much from these hands-on experiences that not only does she love to share these experiences in the classroom, but she also loves to learn from the students when they share their own personal experiences.

Having had a steady clientele over the years, she very much appreciates the call back year after year. Debbie is totally and completely committed to providing the best quality training at the best possible price. Please use the Contact Me Form to schedule your class today!!